Come out on the Wednesday evenings of Lent 2019 to watch lay evangelist Matthew Kelly in his video series “Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose.” Kelly captures our imaginations and helps us to see the challenges and opportunities of our everyday lives in a new light. With a keen sense of humor and heart warming charm, Kelly seems to effortlessly elevate and energize people to pursue the highest values of the human spirit and become the “best version of themselves.” If you miss a week or two, do not worry. We will have a brief recap for those who are catching up at the beginning of each session. Each session begins after the 6:30PM Mass.
Masses on Ash Wednesday will be at 6:30AM, 8:30AM, 12 Noon and 7:00PM. Ashes are distributed within the Mass after the gospel and homily. The collection on Ash Wednesday is for BLESSED MARGARET OF CASTELLO HOME FOR CRISIS PREGNANCIES. An envelope has been provided for this collection in your envelope packet.